Brion Benninger, MD, MS
I would like to thank my wife, Alison, and our son, Jack, for
their wit, caring, and the love they provide me daily. I want
to thank Elsevier, especially Marybeth Thiel, for her insight
and direction, enabling John Hansen, my fellow coeditors,
and Carlos Machado to work in such a rich environment. I
particularly want to thank my early clinical anatomy mentors,
Gerald Tressidor and Harold Ellis (Guy’s Hospital); Dean P.
Crone and the University Board for continuous support; all
my past and future patients and students; and clinical col-
leagues who keep anatomy dynamic. Special thanks to Jim
McDaniel and Bill Bryan and all who represent what is good
in teaching. Lastly, I thank my mother for her love of educa-
tion and my father for his inquisitive mind.
Jennifer Brueckner-Collins, PhD
I am very grateful to the wonderful Elsevier team, particu-
larly Marybeth Thiel and Elyse O’Grady, for their guidance
and expertise during our preparation of the sixth edition. It
is always privilege to collaborate with Carlos Machado,
whose artistic talent brings our anatomical visions from
concept to reality. Sincere thanks to Mark Sturgill, DO, who
most generously provided us with updated images for
abdominal MRCP, axial and coronal CT with contrast, as well
as CT angiography. Finally, I am eternally indebted to my
parents, John and Rheba, and to my husband, Kurt, for their
support, encouragement, love, and inspiration; they are my
raison d’etre.
John T. Hansen, PhD
At Elsevier I would like to thank Marybeth Thiel, Senior
Development Editor, Elyse O’Grady, Senior Content Strate-
gist, John Casey, Senior Project Manager, and Madelene
Hyde, Publishing Director, for their continuous support and
meticulous attention to detail during the development of this
sixth edition of the
Atlas of Human Anatomy.
They, along
with the entire Editorial, Production, Design, and Marketing
team at Elsevier have been a delight to work with and to
know. I am also indebted to Carlos Machado for his superb
artistic skill in producing and updating plates appearing in
. His renderings of human anatomy are the perfect
complement to the Netter images. In addition to my fellow
editors of this edition, I wish to express my thanks to
my faculty colleagues at Rochester and to all my past
and present students who have provided generous and
constructive feedback and have enriched my life. Finally, I
am indebted to my entire family for their continued support
and especially to my wife, Paula. Their love and encourage-
ment sustains me and is the source of all the happiness and
joy I know.
Todd M. Hoagland, PhD
It is a privilege to teach clinical human anatomy and I am
eternally grateful to all the body donors and their families
for enabling healthcare professionals to train in the dissec-
tion laboratory. It is my honor to work with outstanding
medical students and colleagues at the Medical College of
Wisconsin. I am grateful to John Hansen and the profes-
sionals of the Elsevier team for the opportunity to be a
steward of the incomparable
Netter Atlas
. Marybeth Thiel
and Elyse O’Grady were especially helpful and a pleasure
to work with. It was an honor to collaborate with the bril-
liant Carlos Machado and all the consulting editors. I thank
Joe Besharse for being an outstanding mentor. I am deeply
appreciative of Stan Hillman and Jack O’Malley for inspir-
ing me with masterful teaching and rigorous expectations.
I am indebted to Richard Hoyt, Jr., for helping me become
a competent anatomist, and to Rob Bouchie for his
support. I am most grateful to my brother, Bill, for his
unwavering optimism and gregarious nature. I thank my
mother, Liz, for her dedication and love and for instilling a
strong work ethic. Finally, I am humbled by my two
awesome children, Ella and Caleb, for helping me redefine
love, wonder, and joy.
R. Shane Tubbs, MS, PA-C, PhD
First and foremost, I would like to thank Elsevier and in
particular, Madelene Hyde, Marybeth Thiel, and Elyse
O’Grady for all of their hard work in making this edition
come to life. The evolution of the current atlas continues
with the superb skills of Dr. Carlos Machado and his works
of art. I would like to thank Dr. Satinder Singh for his kind
assistance in providing radiographic images of the heart. I
thank my beautiful wife, Susan, and son, Isaiah, for their
patience and guidance during the editing of the sixth edition.
Without the continued support of my mentor, friend, and
colleague, Dr. W. Jerry Oakes, I could not fulfill all of my
academic endeavors. I dedicate my efforts in this edition to
my late brother-in-law, Nelson Jones, whose appetite for
inquisitiveness inspires me today.
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